"My new blog"

Explore, learn, code, contribue, improve

Recent Articles:

Theming the blog

Refining the look and feel of this blog

I'm sure this will be an ongoing process but getting to the point the site is at currently took quite some doing so I want to capture what I've done so far so anyone wishing to follow along can.

Git submodules need …

Create a useful development shell

My dev shell for blogging

In my previous post the shell.nix file was rather sparse. I was using it mostly to setup and use Pelican but dev shells in NixOs are far more useful then just providing build tools. They can provide your entire IDE as well. That's what …

Pelican blogging with Org mode

GitHub pages

GitHub will host your static web pages for you even on a free account making it rather ideal for a blog hosting platform.


But before setting anything up in GitHub you should decide on your tooling. There are several site generators freely available with Jenkyll probably being …